
Business Phone System Features

Experience a smart & feature-rich business phone system, effortlessly managing your business calls.

Call Forwarding

Easily transfer or forward business calls to mobile or home phones when your extension is busy or unavailable.

Call Routing

Customize call routing patterns to ensure calls reach the right destination, optimizing efficiency and profitability.

Call Routing

Record your business important calls for training, compliance, or reference purposes.

Call Conferencing

Connect team members on the same voice call securely, promoting collaboration without additional costs.

Call Transferring

Transfer ongoing calls to other departments or agents, enhancing satisfaction and service quality.

Voice Message

Allow callers to record voice messages, accessible through the dashboard or email.

Voice Message

Send and receive text messages with your phone system for quick and direct communication.

Multiple IVR

Utilize multiple IVR systems for greetings, off-day info, special offers.

Music on Hold

Customize on-hold music to reinforce your corporate brand and engage callers for lead generation.

Call Monitoring

Track outgoing and incoming calls in real-time through the dashboard.


Max Delivery Time


Happy Clients




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Business Phone System

Improve Your Business Communication with a Multi-line Phone System.

Efficient communication within your organization is essential, and a multi-line business phone system can help streamline this process. This valuable tool connects multiple phone lines to a single system, offering essential features to manage incoming and outgoing calls without any limitations. Traditional single-line phone systems can only handle one call at a time, but a cloud-based phone system is designed for businesses and organizations that require support for multiple phone lines. With this system, you can handle multiple calls simultaneously, improving productivity and ensuring smooth communication flow. You can get the best business phone system from CFL-IT, so feel free to contact us to acquire your very own.

  • Multi-User Conference Calling
  • Virtual Receptionist
  • Multiple Call Handling
  • Unlimited Extension
  • Call Recording
  • Customer Engagement
  • Personalized Call Routing
  • Integrated Voicemail Solutions
  • Call Analytics and Reporting
  • Multiple IVR
Business Telephone System

Get started with a Reliable & Affordable Business Phone System!

Connect Your Staff on One Number

It's important for growing any business to have one number in an organization. Because If you have one number, it will be easy to remember for your customer. When you connect your employee in one number with different extensions, they will be able to give support at the same time to multiple clients. Connect all your sales-support agents on one virtual number and let them handle calls from anywhere!

Connect Your Staff on One Number

Improve Your Team Productivity

All calls will be recorded and stored in a cloud server. You can monitor your all calls so that you can see where is your employee making mistakes and where you need to improve your support. Track your sales-support agents’ activity in real-time with a live dashboard and improve their productivity for growth.

Improve your team productivity

Why Choose Us

Why many businesses choose our cloud IPBX phone system for their business communication needs.

No Hardware Needed

Experience the CFL-IT Phone system without buying expensive hardware. You can use it on your smartphones, laptops, and tablets by using a user-friendly app.

Easy, Fast Setup

Setting up your business phone system is easier and hassle-free. You can easily set up any device and start making calls from anywhere.

Easy to Scale

With our cloud platform, effortlessly scale your phone system as your business expands - from the first phone line to new office locations.

Easy to Scale

Streamline your business communication, freeing up your time to prioritize and drive business growth.

Easy to Scale

You can get any kind of cloud services for your business needs from us, making your business operations more productive and easier.

Let's Talk

Speak with an Expert

For immediate service call 407-204-0248 OR simply fill out the form
to get a quote and amazing service.

Office Location

7200 Lake Ellenor Dr, Suite 108
Orlando, FL-32809

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